Trivia Crack – Trivia App Review
Today we will be talking about Trivia Crack – Trivia App Review. The game is offered in both the Apple Store and the Google Play store. If you would like to find out more about the game you can find it in the Google store here and the Apple store here.

There’s an App for That! Well Two, Actually: Our In-Depth Review on Trivia Crack and Trivia Crack 2
Much like the rush from playing a slot machine, answering trivia questions can send a rush of dopamine straight to your brain. Unlike a slot machine, however, trivia games typically don’t give you a cash hangover. What’s more – answering trivia questions is beneficial for exercising your mind!
But with pandemic lock downs and social distancing, in-person trivia is at an all-time low. This doesn’t mean you need to set aside your wealth of obscure facts, though. A handful of apps give you access to millions of trivia questions, right in your home. Today, we’re reviewing two of the most popular trivia apps: Trivia Crack and Trivia Crack 2.
How do Trivia Crack and Trivia Crack 2 Work?
Similar to the board game, Trivial Pursuit, Trivia Crack has 6 different trivia categories: Art, Entertainment, Geography, Sports, Science, and History. Each category is connected to a character, or pawn.
You spin the wheel to see which category you will need to answer questions on. For example, if you land on the globe icon, you will be asked a question about Geography. For every three questions you get right, you have the chance to win a character by answering a question correctly or stealing your opponent’s character.
To duel your opponent and steal their character, you must answer more questions correctly than your opponent in a speed round. If you win, you steal your opponent’s character, but if you lose, then you lose one of your characters.
The wheel also has a bonus crown icon. If you land on the crown, you forgo having to answer three questions correctly for your chance at winning a character. Instead, you’re able to play for a new character by answering the question correct or dueling your opponent.
Whoever wins all 6 of the characters first, wins the game!
Who can I play against?
You can connect both apps to your social media or play strangers on the app! A benefit of the apps are that there is always someone to play with.
Trivia Crack – Graphics
The original graphics in Trivia Crack are colorful and creative. Each character has a unique style and matches the category. However, the graphics are a bit dated and two-dimensional. Additionally, the advertisement placement can be a bit distracting. For these reasons, Trivia Crack gets a 3 out of 5 for its graphics.

Probably the biggest difference between Trivia Crack and Trivia Crack 2 is the updated, more modern graphics. The graphics have more dimension in Trivia Crack 2 than in its predecessor. However, many in the gaming industry wonder why an update for Trivia Crack wasn’t just released, rather than creating an entirely new app.
Because of this, we give Trivia Crack 2 a 4 out of 5.

Trivia Crack – Graphics Review
The trivia categories for both apps are the same: Art, Entertainment, Geography, Sports, Science, and History. Because of this, their ranking is the same, as well. The categories get a 5 out of 5 because they are diverse and comprehensive. The categories encompass a wide range of topics and anyone playing can likely relate to at least one.

Trivia Crack – Cost of Playing
The cost of playing for Trivia and Trivia Crack 2 is the most controversial aspect of both apps. Both apps have “pay to win” add-ons, making the competition unfair at times.
Trivia Crack
Trivia Crack is free to download and doesn’t have a subscription cost. Conversely, the ads are much more noticeable. On Trivia Crack, a controversial aspect is the ability to purchase correct answers. If you don’t choose to buy answers, this can set you at a huge disadvantage when playing people who do.

Trivia Crack 2
Trivia Crack 2 has subscriptions starting at 4.99/month. There is also a three month subscription for $11.99 option and a yearly subscription option for $39.99. Similar to Trivia Crack, users can purchase “pay to win” upgrades.

Trivia Crack – Educational Value
Trivia Crack and Trivia Crack 2 both have a wide variety of questions and educational content. Because of the wide variety of categories, users can learn facts from a wide range of topics. The only thing keeping this category from achieving a perfect score is that some users have reported glitches with questions. Some players report receiving the same questions multiple times.


Overall, Trivia Crack and Trivia Crack 2 are fun games to test your knowledge and compete! Both apps were substantially similar and only received a difference in ranking of .25 points.
To determine if Trivia Crack of Trivia Crack 2 are the right at-home trivia apps for you, head to the App store and download them for yourself!
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Which is your favorite Trivia App?
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